Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Strad Inspired Violin - 12/16/2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Dr. Samuel W. Siurua's 93rd Birthday Party

Dr. Samuel Wasson Siurua celebrating his 93d birthday (portraits taken by Clyde Hochstedler) .

To the left, above is a snapshot of Clyde Hochstedler taken by me yesterday. As is often the case photographers do not appear in the photos. So Clyde's image was added here along with credits. He contributed 6 of the photos shown including the portraits of Sam above.

Many of Sam's friends over the years gathered in the Lounge at Robin Run Village to celebrate his 93rd birthday. Below in the early arriving circle of guests are shown from left to right four of his musical friends Anne Duthie McCafferty, Dr. Robert L. Rudesill, and to the further right Diantha Degraw and Beth Lawrence.

Here to the left and above in the early arriving circle of friends are those from North Methodist Church and Robin Run Village as well as Sam's musical past. Pat Thorlton in the left foreground from church, Emma Lou Endres, a greeter from Robin Run, Susy Smith Watt daughter of Sam's great friend and luthier Tom Smith, Mr. Louie Cain from church and Robin Run, and again Ann Duthie McCafferty and Dr. Robert Rudesill.

Seated on Sam's lap is my ever vigilant canine, Noble, keeping an eye on me and the camera. In the center background stands a Robin Run staffer behind Ada Dunn, a friend of Sam's in blue.

Standing below Neil S. Handley is graciously thanking everyone for the celebration. To his left seated are Anne, Susy, Jerry, Bob and Joie Kipka who has gotten to know Sam through Susy, Jerry and Bob.

To the left stand some of Sam's later arriving friends from church and Robin Run including Harold Dove who will turn 93 in 2010. On the table in front of Sam is a pale green box in which Sam found a copy of his biography completed with written contributions from a number of his closest friends.

Anne insisted on taking a photo of me, Noble and Sam's cake for history's sake. If you look closely you will see the chocolate cake with dark fudge icing is decorated with a chocolate violin.
All concerned agreed the violin looked a bit more like a viol da gamba without the frets than a modern day violin.

While Sam begins cutting the cake, Beth Lawrence is looking over Sam's biography

Here Sam is cutting and serving the cake. Next To him are Diantha Degraw and Beth Lawrence looking over his biography and to the far right in a red vest is Dottie Gerner, Sam's friend from North Methodist Church. Seated by the windows are David Klingeman and Karl Patton.

Neil S. Handley, Sam's dear friend and Ann Duthie Mc Cafferty are assisting with the cake and ice cream while Suzy Smith Watt, Jerry Allen and Bob Rudesill look on.

While the cake was being served friends signed the tributes page of Sam's biography.

Starting at the top left hand corner working across and down I have transcribed their birthday greetings and signatures below.

"Sam, you are such a special person I'm happy to share your 93rd birthday." Love, Dottie Gerner.

"With love & gratitude for your ongoing inspiration to me! Happy 93rd" Anne Duthie McCafferty

"May God Bless You" - Mary Snell

"Congratulations on 93 years, you inspire us all." Louie Cain

David & Rhea Klingeman - Younkin Dr. Robin Run

"I'm proud to have had your acquaintance and to have had the rides you gave me to North church." Clyde Hochstedler

"And Many "More"" Joyce and Malcom Hults "Love & Blessings"

"Thanks for sharing your life, music & birthday with us." Susy Smith Watt

"YOU ARE THE MAN" Neil (Handley)

"Best wishes on your special day!" Karl & Jean Patton (Robin Run)

"Happy Birthday Sam." Randy (Russell) "Much love on your 93rd Birthday!" Donna (Lively Clark Russell)

"Sam, Thanks for 60+ years!!! of music & friendship." Diantha Degraw

"It has been a pleasure getting to know you through Jerry" - Joie Kipka

"Happy 93rd Birthday" Jerry Allen

"Happy Birthday, Sam! I have such happy memories of playing music with you & Martha." With Love, Beth Lawrence

"Keep it going." Bob Rudesill

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