Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Strad Inspired Violin - Log 10/23/2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Recital to Honor Dr. Samuel Wasson Siurua

Yesterday, Donna Lively Clark, Ruth Colbert, Dr. Lee H. Jones, Susy Smith Watt and I presented a recital in the lobby of the Robin Run Village apartment tower. The performance was honoring our much beloved and admired friend, music mentor and (for three of us) childhood instrumental teacher.

The program shown to the left details the billing which lasted approximately an hour. It began with an adaptation of the Jean Sibelius, Finlandia Hymn. This particular piece was chosen to recognize and celebrate Dr. Siurua's Finnish family ancestry. The program concluded with a flawless performance of Piazzolla's Tango Etude No. 4 and Bach's Sarabande from Suite No. 1 played on unaccompanied viola by Donna Lively Clark.

To the left is Dr. Siurua with Donna Lively Clark, his very accomplished former pupil on viola.

Here Donna is shown in the center performing the Tango Etude. To the left side is Dr. Siurua and standing behind slightly to the left of the piano in front of the door is Dr. Lee H. Jones. Susy Watt is looking on seated directly behind the piano. Susy and Lee performed a lovely Cambini duet on bassoon and cello.
After the recital friends and guests gathered in the Main Street Lounge for refreshments.
Among those attending the recital and/or reception in addition to the performers were Neil S. Handley, Diantha Degraw, Beth Lawrence, Betty and Daniel Tiebert, Joie Kipka, Dr. Robert Rudesill, Randy Russell, Ruth Lively Barker, Ann Crider, John Colbert, Catherine Norman, Bill (Liam) and Becky Smith, Charles Hewitt, Dotti Gerner, Dr. Sue Cardwell and Pat Thorlston.
Dr. Siurua had missed the Athenaeum Pops Orchestra concert at Robin Run the previous Friday where two lifetime recognition certificates were awarded to him for his work in music education and performance in the Indianapolis Philharmonic Orchestra. Therefore, Dr. Lee H. Jones did the honors presenting them to him in person before his gathered friends.

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